Project details
At Fotonow, our Unlocked Youth group brings together young creatives every week to explore digital photography and filmmaking. Since 2020, we’ve created a space where young people develop their digital media skills, build confidence, forge friendships, and connect with Plymouth’s vibrant community organisations and events. Sessions are free to access, thanks to generous support from our funders.
When you think about it, everyone’s there (at Unlocked) to share ideas, some may be good, some may be questionable and others may be plain blah… but you need to get those ideas out there… it can show you the reality and make the world clearer. Unlocked participant (aged 17)

Unlocked Youth is Fotonow’s resident youth media group. Established in 2020 with an Explore and Test grant from Paul Hamlyn Foundation, we have worked with young people on the programme to create iterations of Unlocked, centred on their evolving needs and interests.
The model we have developed is broadly journalistic, using photography and film to respond to current concerns. Young regularly report on local events and developments of significance, many are skilled interviewers, and vocal campaigners. The group have produced a multi-media youth Manifesto, numerous zines and exhibitions and have presented their work at national conferences, most recently at Engage’s (national organisation for gallery education) Groundswell conference, Plymouth, May 2024.

Unlocked Young Reporters - Plymouth Art Weekender

The weekly sessions at Fotonow’s offices and media suites in the Royal William Yard, feel like a youth club. Young people say they really value the informal approach to learning, the friendships within the group and the flexibility to lead on projects that align with their interests, activism (climate change, sustainable fashion, safety for women and girls) and learning goals.
Our aim was to understand how an embedded youth offer at Fotonow could support young people and what we would need to do this well and sustainably.
Working with young people has always been an area of strength for Fotonow. Our Unlocked strand continues to meet a clear need in Plymouth for informal and safe spaces for young people to learn, participate in creative activities and form positive relationships.
Unlocked Youth Photo Collective Zine
Project partners we have worked on Unlocked with include Barnardos Care Journeys Plymouth, who match-funded the original Explore and Test project and we regularly work across voluntary and creative sectors, Plymouth Youth Parliament, Plymouth Art Weekender, Real Ideas Organisation, Plymouth City Council Youth Service, Plymouth Arts Cinema, Lynher Barge CIC.
Unlocked meets every Monday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at our HQ in Ocean Studios in Royal William Yard. Young people aged 13-18 can explore creative projects, learn from industry professionals, and contribute to Plymouth’s cultural scene.
To join your first session, email
Unlocked is currently funded by the generous support of The Norman Family Charitable Trust and Gibbons Family Trust.