Cyanotype Workshop at Ocean Studios Open Day

It was great to be part of the August open day at Ocean Studios where we had Molly Budd running Cyanotype printing workshops all day. This alternative photographic process dates back to the 1830s when John Herschel copied his notes through his invention for simple contact printing. Today we can still use similar chemistry to create printed images, on a sunny day, that are a rich blue colour and make for a really fun creative workshop. You can read more about the fascinating history of cyanotypes at the Alternative Photography website.

Ocean Studios open days are a monthly opportunity to get down to Royal William Yard and take part in the arts. Fotonow have been based at Ocean Studios since 2017 and we have amazing spaces to run workshops and support creative learning. If you’re interested in finding out more about our educational offer then please get in touch on and we’ll be straight back in touch to chat about all things photography (and creative media).